Backcountry | The One-Stop Shop for all Your Outdoor Gear Needs

What is Backcountry?
Backcountry is a term used for outdoor activities that take place in remote and rugged areas. These activities can include hiking, skiing, climbing, backpacking, and more. Backcountry gear can be expensive, so it's important to find the right source for everything you need. Here are some tips for finding the best backcountry gear:
1. Look online: The internet is a great resource for finding backcountry gear. Many retailers offer online sales as well as combined shipping offers that can save you money on your purchase.
3. Go to a store: If you don’t have access to the internet or friends/family nearby, go to a store that specializes in Backcountry gear. Stores typically carry both brand-name and generic versions of backcountry gear, so you can find what you need without spending too much money.
4. Compare prices: Once you’ve found a few sources for Backcountry gear, compare prices to find the best deal. Retailers often offer discounts on larger orders, so it’s worth checking out several stores before making your decision.
History of Backcountry
The history of Backcountry can be traced back to prehistoric times when humans explored the wilderness. With the increase in popularity of outdoor activities such as hiking and camping, Backcountry became a popular destination for exploration.
In the early 1900s, pioneers began exploring remote areas of North America using primitive gear and methods. They developed trails to connect these areas and formed the first Backcountry clubs. In 1964, The Mountaineers created the first backpacker route in Yosemite National Park which sparked a boom in outdoor activity.
As backpacking evolved from a solitary activity to a popular sport, equipment manufacturers developed specialized gear for this environment. Today, there are dozens of companies that produce backpacking gear and supplies, making it easy for anyone to explore the great outdoors.
Gear for Outdoor Adventures
If you're planning on hitting the trails, unprepared is not an option. Thankfully, there's a lot of gear out there to suit any outdoor adventure. Here are some of our favorite pieces of gear for Backcountry excursions:
1. Backpack: A good backpack is essential for carrying all your gear. Make sure it has plenty of storage space and comfortable straps so you can carry it all day long.
2. Sleeping Bag: A good sleeping bag is critical if you're going to spend any time camping in the wilderness. It needs to be warm enough to keep you cozy, but light enough that you can carry it with you on your back.
3. Tent: A tent is essential if you're planning on spending any time camping in the outdoors. Not only does it provide shelter from the weather, but it also provides a place to store your gear and cook your meals.
4. Headlamp: Nobody wants to be caught without a headlamp in the middle of the night – especially when trying to find your way around in the dark woods! A good headlamp will provide plenty of light so you can see where you're going and save your batteries for other tasks later on in the day.
5. Compass: A compass is another essential piece of gear for Backcountry explorers – especially if you're planning on spending any time hiking or climbing up mountains or cliffsides. Knowing how to use a compass will help ensure that

Clothing for Outdoor Adventures
When you're hitting the trails or the woods, you need to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. That means packing your own food and water, wearing clothing that won't make you too hot or cold, and carrying the right gear to help you stay safe and comfortable.
Here are some of our favorite pieces of outdoor clothing that will help you stay comfortable andsafe while out in nature:
2. A rain jacket is also important for backcountry hikers. It’ll keep you warm and dry in even the worst weather conditions, plus it can offer some protection from windblown sand or needles if you fall into a ravine. Consider getting a coat with a hood for extra warmth and protection from the elements.
3. Sunscreen is critical when out in the sun all day long, whether you’re hiking or lounging around in your tent. And remember to reapply sunscreen every couple hours if you’re spending any significant time outdoors!
4. Finally, bring snacks, water bottles, hats, sunglasses, insect repellent (for those pesky mosquitoes!), first-aid supplies (including bandages),and anything else that might come in handy
Backcountry's Kayak Collection
Finding the perfect kayak for your next Backcountry adventure can be daunting. With such a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and features, it can be hard to know where to start. To help you find the perfect kayak for your needs, Backcountry has put together its best collection of kayaks for all sorts of adventurers. Whether you're looking for a versatile touring kayak or a speedy recreational vessel, we've got you covered.
Our collection includes both sit-on-top and sit-in kayaks, making them ideal for either beginner or experienced paddlers alike. In addition to our standard selection of kayaks, we also carry a range of specialized gear, including inflatable rafts and dry bags to keep your belongings safe while out on the water. So whether you're planning a casual day trip or an extended expedition into the backcountry, our selection of kayaks is sure to have what you need.
Thank you for reading our Backcountry article! We hope that it has helped you to better understand the wide range of outdoor gear that is available to you and shown you just how convenient our one-stop shop can be. From tents to backpacks, we have everything that you need to get out there and experience the great outdoors. So whether your interests lie in camping, hiking, or kayaking – we have everything that you need to make your outdoor adventure a success. Thanks again for reading and we hope to see you soon!